I’ve been building something similar with CodeMic [1] and found that replaying courses *inside* the IDE makes a big difference letting users immediately play with the code instead of just watching a video makes learning way more interactive. Excited to see where you take this!
[1] https://codemic.io/
For a brief moment, I looked into a sort of VS Code plugin for CodeVideo but I realized it would be tough with things like mouse and animating typing directly in VS Code (unless I did a complete fork like the Cursor path). But I wasn't quite ready to take all of that on.
But yes, I think it's a huge latent space that hasn't been addressed anywhere in the market simply because you need to go half insane to take something on as complex as replayable state management for the IDE.
I do think that our approaches are a little different and time will prove which is more effective, or perhaps both in their own ways.
For example, CodeMic aims to replace books and blogs for discussions of large codebases and showing changes to code over time, but CodeVideo seems to enhance the experience of writing books and blogs (among other things) by ensuring correctness of the code for example. There's a lot you can do there with that which I never really thought about and is out of scope for CodeMic.
If the format is open, perhaps CodeMic and CodeVideo can even import from each other.
p.s. can't disagree about the insane part, but still a lot of fun ;)
This is huge and something I've pondered about how to do efficiently, because what if you could forward this essential context info to something like an LLM, or even LLM / AI aside, address immediately the classic "why did we do that here, in this way, at this time?" questions about a codebase.
I could definitely see some CodeVideo / CodeMic interoperability via some sort of export :D
Let's see what happens...
This is something I wish I'd had about 15 years ago when I was teaching online. I think the group I was with would have been able to create video versions of some of our material and have another revenue stream. At the time, we were only synchronous classroom based training - 2 hr sessions X times per week. When students were engaged, it was great! When they weren't, you were just talking in to the void. Being able to package up some of our material in to these sorts of videos - but doing it in a controlled, managed fashion like this, would have been great. By contrast, we had someone make Flash files for us. Fixing any typo took weeks. :/
Product looks good! Good luck to you!
Playback seems to be working on Chrome.. but I will make a note however for Firefox. Thanks for checking it out!